~cats really suck in the game, they only meow and stratch, can't even drive a car! They are faster, can bark to distract zombies, and drive cars! ~dogs are better in a few ways than humans. ~an average game takes about an hour to an hour and a half, so sit tight! ~Through my experiences, 2 player seems to make the challenge a LITTLE harder, since the camera follows the main player, or 1st player ~Custom characters are 10X cooler than the crappy random characters, make yourself, your friends, your family, your favorite characters from other games/movies, even your own O.C character (as long as it isnt a hedgehog) Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you play the game If you think you're up for the challenge, then congratulations! You're gonna HATE LOVE this game! If you dont like incredibly hard games, or you dont like the chance of losing everything, then i'd recommend to NOT play this game. It is still possible to kill The Mecha Mountie with explosives (such as Grenades or Pipebombs) and fire.You are playing an incredibly hard game, and may take a good 10 hours before actually BEATING the game.Phonetically it's pronounced "Ay-Zer-Beam", which is very close to "Lay-Zer-Beam", hence the joke.The EH-ZER beam is a reference to the stereotype of Canadians saying "Eh" frequently.Despite being masculine in appearance and having Mason's character code, Mecha Mountie is classified as female, presumably due to an error.Mecha Mountie is a giant robot based on the Canadian Mounties.Mecha Mountie's ending dialogue is just the standard non-rare character dialogue, this is probably due to not having any unique epilogue dialogue implemented to this character. As of the ILEUM update, this is no longer the case as characters with road events have their countdown started based on their fixed name in the lobby rather than their ID. Mason also has an ID of 1 in the normal Rare Character system, meaning that Mason's countdown would start on Mecha Mountie due to having the same ID. However, because of his unique sprite size and behavior, Mecha Mountie has an ID of 1, but also has a "special mode" flag that causes him to be his own character. This normally does not cause any issues, as a Rare Character's ID is normally unique and the events that happen in the countdown only occur for the Rare Characters they were meant to occur for.

This quirk occurred as a character would be checked for having an ID which corresponds to periodic road events, and if they were in the party, would start a countdown for these road events.

Prior to the ILEUM update, due to a quirk in ID assignments and the fact that he was never designed to be used on the road, Mecha Mountie also fulfilled checks for Mason's road events, causing him to periodically kill off random party members. There is warning exclusively for him to indicate that he is even buggier than the other characters in the Experimental Hut. He attacks like how he does in Canada's Border, but is unable to utilize weapons. In O*P*P MODE, Mecha Mountie can be recruited from the Experimental Hut. The Mecha Mountie fires two shots at a time until all zombies are eliminated. The EH-ZER BEAM instantly destroys all zombies in an area of effect when it is fired. If the party survives long enough once reaching the Canadian border, Mecha Mountie will arrive from the sky and proceed to destroy zombies with his 'EH-ZER BEAM' attack. The Mecha Mountie is a Rare Character that appears on the final mission at Canada's Border.